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The modern world is filled with data. This data flows inside organizations between departments, customer interactions, products usages, external resources, and beyond. Can we use any of that historical data to predict the future? In the majority of cases we can, but that historical data needs to be prepared first. This preparation step is called labeling. It's a process of real people giving meaning to the information they see on the screen.

Heartex builds software that helps people do what only they can do - give meaning, with the goal of minimizing the amount of manual work, automating the data labeling process itself!

We've started with releasing an open-source product called Label Studio, it's sole purpose is to help people working with data, usually, data scientists in their day-to-day activities preparing for the data's prime time - when it's used in the process of training an algorithm. The result of this process is a machine learning model that is, if built well, is of high value because of its predictive power. 

20000 Data Scientists use Label Studio to get functional and accurate ML models. We want to spread that beyond, make it more powerful, and we need your help!

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