Senior C++ developer (gamedev)

от 4 000 до 4 500 $ до вычета налогов

Требуемый опыт работы: 3–6 лет

Полная занятость, удаленная работа



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We are a Cyprus Company and have been working since 2018. Over the years we have grown from a passionate group of friends to a dedicated team of experienced developers. Now we are one of the strongest agencies in the development of software, mobile games and applications. Datasakura now has over 35 employees and we continue to expand. We invite С++ Games Developer to join our team.

We use:

  • C++ 17. Custom cross-platform multi-threaded C++ game engine.
  • Mobile App Development, Android & iOS Development & Working with platform requirements Backend systems for LiveOps (e.g, Cloud save data handling and remote configuration)"
  • XCode 11 + Android Studio
  • Good Debugging Debug native code on each platform, Objective-C Profiling for performance issues" Unity/Unreal Engine
  • JIRA / Confluence / SVN
  • Agile

We are looking for an engineer who:

  • knows C++ well
  • well versed in algorithms and data structures
  • has commercial experience in mobile game development for at least 5 years
  • speaks English at the upper-intermediate level

Examples of tasks:

  • Creating new game features, programming game logic.
  • UI implementation using templates provided by the artist.
  • Bugfixing
  • Client-server interaction. We use protobuf
  • Implementation of third-party SDKs

We offer:

  • Full-time remote work;

  • Stable salary in dollars or USDT with annual review;

  • No bureaucracy, micromanagement and lengthy approvals;

  • Flexible hours without the use of time trackers, depending on the time zone and your wishes (we believe in work\life balance);

  • Small, friendly agile teams;

  • English classes with a native speaker;

  • Compensation of coworking rent and buying new equipment.

Please note, there is a small test task for this position.

Ключевые навыки

  • C++
  • Английский язык
  • Английский — B2 — Средне-продвинутый

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Вакансия опубликована 30 мая 2024 в Москве

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Оценка Dream Job


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Что говорят сотрудники

Game Designer
Июль 2023
An excellent employer who cares about the comfort and well-being of employees and provides competitive salaries. At Datasakura, there is a fantastic team consisting of highly experienced individuals with whom it's pleasant and comfortable to work. The company is small, and unnecessary bureaucracy is absent. However, since its establishment in 2018, all processes have been well-established. Datasakura doesn't have the chaos often found in many other small companies and startups. Another significant advantage is the opportunity to work on very cool and prestigious projects from renowned studios like Zeptolab. So, I wholeheartedly recommend Datasakura as an excellent place to work.
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