Product Engineer Automotive Electronics (Инженер по продукту, автоэлектроника)

Уровень дохода не указан

Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года

Полная занятость, полный день

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Our client, a chinese company Xiamen Yaxon Networks Co. Ltd. It is one of the TOP 3 among GPS tracker factories in China.

Employees: 900 employees including 200 R&D.

Market: cooperated with 300 partners, sold about 2 million GPS trackers since 1998.

Xiamen Yaxon Networks Co. Ltd is starting its business in Russia and is planning to sell its devices to cars' and tracks' manufacturers in Russa and has an opening for Product Engineer for ERA-GLONASS devices and other electronic comрonents.


  • Technical and information support at all stages of interaction with clients
  • Processing customer and user requests, processing online requests, consulting on the company's products
  • Collection of information and analysis of customer requests, reviews and market trends
  • Analysis and study of competitors' products, comparative analysis
  • Interaction with other departments of the company locally and globally, participation in product quality improvement issues
  • Participation in exhibitions and marketing events
  • Recommendations for improving the functions, product characteristics, maintenance and operation processes
  • Preparation of instructions for installation and operation
  • Working with drawings and 3D models
  • Compilation of brochures, technical descriptions, participation in the creation of catalogs and marketing materials
  • Interaction with design offices, engineers, installers and end users of products
  • Claim processing
  • Carrying out supervised installation of products on customer vehicles


  • Higher education, preferably electronics and related areas
  • Three years of experience in the related field
  • English at a sufficient level for communication
  • Understanding the digital and hardware components of road transport
  • Ability to find a common language with different people (designers, engineers, mechanics, installers, technically illiterate users)
  • Ability to explain complex things in simple terms
  • Experience in working with China or a Chinese company will be an advantage
  • Readiness for business trips, possibly long foreign

Ключевые навыки

  • Английский — B2 — Средне-продвинутый

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Москва, Марьина Роща, Большая кольцевая линия, метро Марьина Роща

Вакансия опубликована 21 мая 2024 в Москве

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