Junior Creative producer / Креативный продюсер (English B2+)

от 50 000 до 70 000 на руки

Требуемый опыт работы: не требуется

Полная занятость, полный день

UGC (ООО Биокорма)
Нет отзывов


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Who UGC are

We’re a creative service that produces UGC-like ads for digital products like apps, games, and more.

We’re a team of young, enthusiastic, and energetic people keen on what we do. We’ve had great success and are going to reach even more this year.

What we do

Basically, we create ads that will be used in paid campaigns on socials like FB, TikTok, Snapchat, and others.

As a creative producer, you research a niche, write the scripts, revise, and accept final videos. We appreciate people who are ready to grow with us and tend to play to their strengths. So there is a great chance to develop your career!

We’re a young company growing fast so you must be ready to keep up. We can promise it won’t be boring!

Job applicant requirements

We don’t care about your experience but there are some skills we find essential:

  • English level at least B2, C1 is preferred
  • watching TikTok, knowledge of the latest social trends
  • a strong desire to grow
  • teachability
  • readiness to solve unusual tasks
  • full-time work (5/2)

Job description

Well, the job itself might be split into 4 main parts:

Part #1

Do research with our online tools, analyze ads, and choose the best cases for a project.

Part #2

Write scripts based on the chosen references, make storyboards, and record a video presentation of the scripts.

Part #3

As soon as the videos are filmed, you must revise the final edits and make them as close as possible to the original script.

Part #4

Analyze the results of the test. Suggest hypothesis and plan further work.


We are waiting for your CV!

Ключевые навыки

  • Английский язык
  • Работа с большим объемом информации
  • Продюсирование
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat

Задайте вопрос работодателю

Он получит его с откликом на вакансию

Где располагается место работы?Какой график работы?Вакансия открыта?Какая оплата труда?Как с вами связаться?Другой вопрос

Вакансия опубликована 9 мая 2024 в Санкт-Петербурге

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UGC (ООО Биокорма)
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